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Welcome to House of Caspan a British skincare and lifestyle brand. We’re focussed on harnessing natural and organic extracts to create luxurious, powerfully effective treatments.

We’re committed to treading lightly. We endeavour to source our products within the UK to minimise our carbon footprint and ensure our packaging materials are 100% recyclable.

Our Manifesto

Principle No.1

Let us be the creators of good and honest products

We endeavour to make useful products of the highest quality. For us, form and function should never be mutually exclusive.

Principle No.2

We celebrate the smith and the seamstress

We honour craftspeople through our products. We collaborate with industry specialists and custodians of heritage skills. We have built an extended family or artisans and fabricators to produce goods of the finest calibre.

Principle No.3

We pledge to tread lightly

Our love of nature should be reflected through our work and not harmed because of it.

Principle No.4

We are disciples of Horman’s “manners maketh man”

We encourage the values of yesteryear. In uncertain times, there’s never been more need for people to extend politeness, patience, and empathy.

Principle No.5

We must exercise our right to be very silly indeed

This country was built on dead parrots and silly walks. One of our most revered exports cannot be measured in pounds and pence. The British eccentric is an endangered species and must be protected at all costs.